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Mar - Richard Bonneau

Speaker: Richard Bonneau

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Talk Title: Using protein design to dissect the form and function of biological networks

Event Details


Thursday, March 11, 2010, 6:00pm

Department of Biology/Computer Science, New York University

Richard Bonneau


I will discuss recent applications of the Rosetta protein structure prediction and

design platform to understanding genomes. There are two main ways we can use

structural bioinformatics to aid in the building of genome wide models: 1) providing

predictions about the structure, function and interaction of proteins, and 2) designing

new molecules that can be used as tools to specifically perturb individual functions

and interactions. In this talk I will primarily focus on the design of new tools. I will

describe our recent efforts to accurately predict temperature sensitive mutations that

can be used to investigate the effects of essential genes. I will also describe our

efforts to include non-cannonical amino acids and non-canonical backbone structures

(such as N-branched side chains, peptoids) in the design of peptidomimetics that

target specific protein-interactions. All protocols for prediction and design are

seamlessly integrated into the Rosetta package and available at the


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Introductory Speaker:
Anamaria Crisan, MSc Candidate, Aparicio Lab, Bioinformatics Graduate Program, UBC

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### The upcoming 2009-2010 meeting dates

April 8, 2010 Main Speaker:  [Joerg Gsponer]( , Centre for High-Throughput Biology; Intro Speaker: Kieran O’Neill, Brinkman Lab, BCCRC