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VanBUG Graphical Abstract Contest 2025

Event Details


Friday, May 9th, 2025 5:00PM - 7:00PM (with a social period till 8:00PM) (Pacific Time)

Location: Langara College, T-Building Gallery (170 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver)

The competition will be followed by a social where light refreshments are provided.


VanBUG is hosting a competition for students to present their scientific research in the form of a graphical abstract! Each 3 minute presentation should discuss a contestant’s research project (e.g. directed studies, internship, thesis work, etc.) related to computer or biological sciences, aided by a single-page graphical abstract as opposed to a slideshow. Students should feel free to present regardless of their project's scope or duration — the intent of this competition is to promote science communication in a manner accessible to the general public. We welcome participants to be creative and go beyond just words with their visual aids!


  • 1st Place ($150)
  • 2nd Place ($90)
  • 3rd Place ($45)
  • Viewer's Choice ($45)
  • Attendee Prize Draws (2 at $30 each)

All winners will be contacted by email to receive their gift cards.


Anyone belonging to one of the following may participate as a contestant:

  1. A undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled in good standing at a college or university
  2. A recent graduate of a diploma, Bachelor's, Master’s, or doctoral degree no earlier than January 2024



  • The Participant should present their scientific research project aided by a single-slide graphical abstract.
  • They should present their research using lay terms (i.e. in a manner that a non-expert could understand).
  • The project must be in a scientific discipline related to either computer or biological sciences (or both).
  • The presentation must be delivered in person in English only; pre-recordings are not allowed.
  • The content should be original and free from copyrighted, illegal, confidential, or offensive (e.g. profanity, discrimination, racism) materials, as determined by the Organizers. Any violations will result in instant disqualification.

Time Limit

A maximum of 3 minutes of presentation time is allowed.

Visual Aid

Presentations are required to utilize a single-slide graphical abstract. No other visual aids are allowed, and the graphical abstract should serve alone to communicate the key points of the presented project. The abstract is to be submitted as a non-animated, landscape, letter-sized (8.5x11) pdf file to the Organizers for review by April 20, 2025.


Competition placements will be determined by a panel of judges with expertise in science communication.

Specifically, the following criteria are considered:

  1. Scientific Communication
  2. Delivery
  3. Visual Aid
  4. Overall Impression

The "Viewer's Choice" award will be determined by the audience.

Registration Requirements

  • Full name
  • Contact email
  • College affiliations(s)
  • Student classification
  • Up to 150 words describing the graphical abstract they will present
  • Up to 150 words justifying how their graphical abstract is related to computer/biological sciences

Register for the competition using this Google Form.